It is intended to convert the signal frequency
Receiving and transmitting frequency converters, units of instantly and accurately determine
the frequency and direction finding radio.
Parameter Norm
Frequencies range of input microwave signal and local oscillator input, GHz, min. .. 14-22 The bandwidth of the channel of intermediate frequency , GHz, min………………….….... 8
Conversion loss, dB, max …………………………………………………………….…. 11
Isolation between the signal and local oscillator channels, dB, min……………….… 30
Isolation between the channels of the heterodyne and intermediate frequency, dB, min…. 25
Isolation between channels and intermediate signal frequency, dB, min……………… 18
Input power, corresponding to change of conversion at 1 dB, mW, min.………………… 4
Input VSWR microwave signal, max …………………………………………….…….. 2,5
Input VSWR LO, max…………………………………………………………………..... 2,5
Input VSWR intermediate frequency, max…………….......………………………….. 3,5
Maximum input power, mW ……………………………………….…………..………. 100
The integral version of microstrip transformer provides inclusion in the microwave path without additional elements.
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